
The Montana Department of Corrections policies are public information and are located on this page for convenience.  
Please note, the department does not publish its restricted policies as those relate to individual or public safety, or security at DOC facilities.   
Policies are continually revised and are updated on the website as promptly as possible. Click here for the Department of Corrections Policies Manual.  
The DOC and state of Montana are not responsible for any document that is falsified or modified in whole or in part by any individual who accesses them. 

Additional Information 

All policies are downloadable in PDF format. A free copy Adobe Acrobat Reader® can be obtained at http://get.adobe.com/reader/


For policy and procedure inquiries, please refer to the Central Services Operations Bureau Chief:

Katie Donath

Email: corpolicy@mt.gov

Office: 406-594-2613

DOC Policies Index

Chapter 1: Administration and Management

Section 1 General Administration
Section 2 Fiscal Management
Section 3 Human Resources
Montana Department of Corrections adhere to the State of Montana Human Resources (HR) policies. State HR policies may be found at https://hr.mt.gov/public/policies.
HR policies specific to Montana Department of Corrections are as follows:  
Section 4 Staff Development and Training
Section 5 Case Records Management
Section 7 Information Systems
Section 8 Victim Services

Chapter 2: Physical Plant

Section 1 Building and Safety Codes
Section 2 Size, Organization and Location
Section 3 Housing

Chapter 3: Facility/Program Operations

Section 1 Security Operations
Section 2 Emergency Management and Safety Plans
Emergency Management Plans
Safety Plans
Section 3 Rights and Privileges
Section 4 Rules and Discipline
Section 5 Special Management
Section 6 Executions

Chapter 4: Facility/Program Services

Section 1 Reception and Orientation
Section 2 Classification
Section 3 Food Service
Section 4 Sanitation and Hygiene
Section 5 Health Services
Section 6 Release/Placement



The DOC adopts administrative rules by which it implements state law. The department accepts public comment on proposed rules before making a final decision on a proposed rule action.  The department files proposal and adoption notices with the Secretary of State’s Office. That office publishes and distributes the final administrative rules adopted by state agencies.

DOC Administrative Rules

If you would like to receive DOC rulemaking notices, email your name, mailing and/or email address, and whether you prefer to receive notices by email or traditional mail, to 
