Director Brian M. Gootkin Deputy Director Cynthia L. Wolken Director’s Office - provides centralized leadership, determines direction and priorities, and establishes overall policy for the department. American Indian Liaison: Harlan Trombley Communications: Carolynn BrightInvestigations: Paul SzczepaniakLegal Services: Colleen AmbroseQuality Assurance: Kurt AughneyVictim Services: Jamie Rogers Administrative services Administrator:  John Daugherty -manages the department’s annual budget and provides fiscal, information technology, human resources, project management, procurement, contracts and other support services to all programs. -Montana Board of Crime Control also falls within this division. Clinical Services Superintendent:  Steve Ray - secure facility which separately houses male juvenile offenders (10-17 years) and males (18-24) for specialized treatment. Montana Correctional Enterprises. Administrator:  Gayle Butler- provides general and vocational education, on-the-job training and real-world work experience in industry, vocational and agricultural programs for offenders. Montana State Prison Warden: Jim Salmonsen- secure male facility which houses up to 1,600 inmates, contract management for regional and private prison beds. Montana Women’s  Prison Warden: Jennie Hansen- secure female facility which houses up to 250 inmates. Probation & Parole Administrator: Kevin Olson - supervises Montana’s offender population in the community. Programs & Facilities Bureau Bureau Chief:  Megan Coy- oversees and manages contracts for DOC-contracted assessment, sanction and revocation centers, treatment programs, and prerelease centers. Montana Board of Pardons and Parole Board Chair: Annette Carter - decides which inmates have earned early release from prison; determines conditions imposed on offenders while under community supervision; and manages parole revocations and applications for executive clemency. (An autonomous, quasi-judicial body administratively attached to DOC for budgetary purposes.)


Director’s Office

Director Brian Gootkin - (406) 444-9819

Deputy Director Eric Strauss - (406) 444-9819

Chief Financial Officer Natalie Smitham - (406) 444-0445 

Chief General Counsel Andres Haladay - (406) 444-4469

Communications Director Carolynn Stocker - (406) 444-0409

Legal Services Bureau Chief vacant 


Central Services Division

Chief Executive Officer John Daugherty - (406) 431-8676

Central Services Operations Bureau Chief Katie Donath - (406) 594-2613

Human Resources Bureau Chief Ryan Bahnmiller - (406) 827-2119

Information Technology Chief Information Officer Jon Straughn - (406) 444-1706

Project Management Bureau Chief Kathy Ralston - (406) 444-4227

Records Bureau Chief Michele McKinnon - (406) 415-6430

Research and Analytics Bureau Chief Gregory Schneider -(406) 444-3930


Public Safety Division

Chief Executive Officer Jim Anderson -(406) 444-4333

Investigations Bureau Chief Shane Hildenstab - (406) 444-5386

Montana State Prison Warden Jim Salmonsen - (406) 415-6302

Montana Women’s Prison Katie Weston - (406) 247-5100

Pine Hills Correctional Facility Superintendent Steve Ray - (406) 232-1377

Probation and Parole Division Bureau Chief Sean Goeddell - (406) 542-7145

Public Safety Support Bureau Chief Sue Chvilicek -(406) 461-8408

Secure Contract Facilities Bureau Chief Pat Smith - (406) 415-6556


Programs and Rehabilitation Division

Chief Executive Officer Scott Eychner - (406) 444-9666

Community Corrections Facilities and Programs Bureau Chief Megan Coy - (406) 444-1538

Education Services Bureau Chief Travis Anderson - (406) 444-6580

Quality Assurance of Evidence-Based Practices and Programs Bureau Chief Erika Wimmer - (406) 444-3910

Health Services Bureau Chief Cynthia McGillis-Hiner - (406) 444-5439

Montana Correctional Enterprises Bureau Chief Ross Wagner - (406) 415-6322 

Victim Services Bureau Chief Jamie Rogers - (406) 444-7461