Receive Offender Notifications

The Montana Department of Corrections Victim Services program is dedicated to ensuring that victims' rights are enforced, and victims and survivors have a meaningful voice within the state correctional system.

Basic victim rights in Montana include:

  • The right to information about all events related to the case.
  • The right to know the offender's location at all times from arrest until his or her release from supervision. 

Below you will find a variety of ways to stay informed and get notified about an offender's movements. 

VINE (Victim Information & Notification Every Day) is a free, confidential, automated telephone, text messaging, and email system that provides custody status information about adult felony offenders under DOC supervision – in prison and community-based facilities and programs. Registration is not automatic – participation is voluntary.

Register here for VINE.

When registering, please select Montana, then Montana Department of Corrections.

VINE will notify you by phone, email, text message, mobile app, or TTY (for the hearing impaired.) Anyone can call VINE at (800) 456-3076, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to hear the current location of an inmate or visit the VINE website.  

To use VINE, have the offender's (DOC) number or name ready. DOC numbers are available on the Offender Search, the DOC's public offender search database. 

VINE is available at any time. For help with the system, press 0 for a VINE operator. The VINE operator can stop VINE calls, help you to retrieve your PIN, or establish a new one. DOC victim liaisons also assist with this.

If your address, email, or phone number change, contact VINE or DOC Victim Services immediately. 

The Montana Department of Corrections Offender Search, is an internet database containing basic criminal records of felony offenders supervised by the DOC. Use this site to find an offender's number and correct name spelling for registration purposes, and to check on the offender's custody status and location. 

Download the DOC's Offender Search poster here. 

The Montana's Sexual or Violent Offender Registry (SVOR) is designed to protect the public from sexual or violent offenders. Offenders are required to register with local law enforcement agencies in the jurisdiction in which they reside. This registry provides an up-to-date listing of sexual and violent offenders who are required to register their whereabouts and is maintained by the Montana Department of Justice. 

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) prioritizes the safety of victims who have been affected by crimes with an immigration nexus. To ensure that victims remain informed about the custody status of their offenders, DHS has created the Victim Information Notification Exchange (DHS-VINE). For more information and registration, please visit

The Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) is proud to partner with the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) to ensure victims of crime are treated with dignity, fairness and respect, and to promote victims’ rights and safety when probationers and parolees are transferred across state lines. For more information on ICAOS’ rules on victim notification, please visit the ICAOS website and see rules 3.108-1 and 3.108.

When an offender is transferred outside the state, Montana VINE is no longer able to provide notifications. An ICAOS victim representative is available in every state to assist victims and family members with questions regarding these rules and victim notification. In Montana, please contact DOC Victim Services for additional information.

ICOTS offers a Public Web Portal which allows the public to search for information about offenders who have transferred supervision to another state or are in another state with permission while the transfer of supervision is under consideration. To access the portal, visit

You may email and a NOVA victim representative will reach out to you within one (1) business day.