Assessment of Risk and Needs

Offenders must receive the type of supervision and programming that provides the best outcomes possible for that individualTo help determine that, the DOC uses the Montana Offender Reentry and Risk Assessment (MORRA) and Women’s Risk and Needs Assessment (WRNA). These tools: 

  • Assess the probability of an offender recidivating 
  • Identify risk factors and criminogenic needs to guide and prioritize programming 
  • Enhance sharing of offender information 
  • Assist in the efficient allocation of resources while an offender is under department supervision. 

By using the MORRA and WRNA, the DOC can determine offenders’ unique risks and needs and match them with programming targeted at addressing those issues, the level of supervision appropriate to help keep offenders on track, and ultimately, reduce their risk of recidivism. As an extension of these assessments, the DOC can better allocate resources, like probation and parole officers, based on level of risk for recidivism. 

Risk Principle chart with and without risk assesment.